Rules for Collaborative Game Development

To read this rulebook, you need to know how to tell theFEASIBLEfrom theINFEASIBLE: When hover, all the rules highlighted inwhiteare feasible, all the rules highlighted inredare infeasible. Some, areNUETRAL.


1. Each participant should present their ideas for the game.

2. Similar ideas will be integrated, unique ideas were eliminated.

3. Complex/ abundant ideas, like the connection network and multi-borough concepts, will be simplified due to time and complexity constraints.

4. Define a clear win state and lose state.

5. Continuously question yourself about the game's theme and strategy.

6. Draw inspiration from game precedents like Pandemic and Co-opoly, incorporating their strategies into the game.

7. When you’re stucked, turn to Dan or Max for additional ideas. They can provide both brainstorming and critical detail discussions.

8. The power to decide game rules lies with a few individuals.

9. Despite an open discussion environment in the classroom, not everyone can express their thoughts.

10. Rule #9 leads to a feedback loop where the game direction aligns more with those who speak up.

11. Participants actively take on tasks in their areas of expertise, increasing overall efficiency.

12. Question whether this specialization is beneficial as it enhances proficiency in known areas but limits exploration of unfamiliar fields.


